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What Damages Can I Recover In A Car Accident Case?


In 2022, the National Safety Council reported that the total cost of all car crashes averaged out to $10.45 million per traffic death. This figure shows there is much more at stake than immediate medical bills and car repairs. 

When most people think about car accident compensation, medical expenses and property damage immediately come to mind. However, at Big Auto, we have found that many clients are unaware of other damages they can recover. This post will explore some of these often overlooked areas of compensation.

Car accident damages

How Can a Car Crash Impact Your Future Earnings?

Many people don't realize how an injury can change their job prospects. Sadly, the reality is that a car accident can greatly affect your career and how much money you may earn in the future. 

An experienced car accident attorney can help you get compensation for loss of future earnings. Some situations that can lead to loss of future income are educational setbacks and career interruptions.

Educational setbacks

A car accident can disrupt your higher education, affecting your future earning potential. Some educational setbacks include:

  • Having to pause or quit school
  • Missing out on valuable certifications
  • Delaying in starting a chosen career

Career interruption

The money you lose after an accident often goes beyond just missing work while you recover. Car crashes can impact your career in several ways. 

Because of your injuries, you may:

  • Miss out on promotions
  • Experience delays in reaching career goals
  • Be forced to change careers completely

Future Medical Expenses and Life Care Costs

Injuries from a car accident don't always heal quickly or completely. You might need ongoing care or future treatments. It is crucial to think about these long-term needs when considering your claim. 

Some long-term medical needs might include:

  • Ongoing physical therapy or rehabilitation
  • Future surgeries or medical procedures
  • Adaptive equipment and prosthetics

A comprehensive life care plan can project these costs over time, often resulting in significant damage calculations. For severe injuries, these costs can run up into millions of dollars over a lifetime.

Consider a spinal cord injury victim who requires home modifications, a wheelchair-accessible vehicle, ongoing personal care assistance, and regular medical treatments. The lifetime costs for high tetraplegia can exceed $4 million, according to the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation. These are damages that should not be overlooked.

Compensation for Scarring and Disfigurement

Visible injuries can have lasting effects beyond just physical pain. They can change how you see yourself and how others see you. 

These changes can impact many areas of your life. Visible scars or disfigurements from a car accident can have both emotional and practical impacts. 

Some costs associated with scarring and disfigurement include:

  • Reduced self-esteem and confidence
  • Potential discrimination in social or professional settings
  • Costs of cosmetic procedures

These damages go beyond mere vanity; they recognize the real-world consequences of altered appearance due to an accident.

Can Pre-Existing Conditions Affect Your Claim?

Sometimes accidents don't cause new injuries but make existing ones worse. For instance, a person with well-managed depression might experience a severe relapse after a traumatic car accident. This could lead to the need for intensive therapy and medication adjustments. Such a relapse could impact his or her work and personal relationships as well.

Some pre-existing conditions that can be aggravated by a car accident are:

  • Worsened chronic pain conditions
  • Accelerated degenerative diseases
  • Mental health conditions

In many instances, insurance companies or the at-fault party may try to avoid paying you the compensation you deserve because of your pre-existing condition. However, with a skilled car accident lawyer by your side, you can fight for what you deserve.

What Is the Loss of Consortium?

Accidents don't just affect the injured person; they impact the whole family. Relationships can change when someone is seriously hurt. These changes in family dynamics are recognized by the legal system.

 A car accident can cause:

  • Loss of companionship with a spouse
  • Reduced ability to care for or interact with children
  • Strained intimate relationships

While intangible, these damages are recognized in many jurisdictions and can be a substantial part of your claim. When a member suffers severe injuries, the emotional toll on families can be immense and long-lasting.

Diminished Quality of Life

The impact of an accident isn't just about physical pain or financial loss. It can change how you live your life in many ways. These changes in your daily life are important to consider. While harder to quantify, these damages can be substantial.

Some examples of diminished quality of life include:

  • Inability to engage in hobbies or sports
  • Reduced social interactions due to injuries
  • Loss of independence in daily activities

Loss of Household Services

Injuries often affect your ability to take care of your home and family. These changes might seem small at first but can add up over time.

Expenses may include:

  • Costs of hiring help for household chores
  • Increased childcare expenses
  • Home modification expenses for accessibility

In 2022, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that household services cost almost $2000 per year — a significant sum when calculating long-term damages. This figure includes tasks like cleaning, cooking, lawn care, and basic home maintenance. 

These damages can be easily overlooked if your case is not carefully evaluated by a skilled car accident attorney.

What Are Punitive Damages?

In some cases, the court may decide to punish the person who caused the accident. This is done to discourage similar behavior in the future. Punitive damages are separate from compensation for your losses.

In cases of gross negligence or intentional harm, such as the following, punitive damages may be awarded:

  • Accidents caused by drunk driving
  • Accidents caused by texting while driving
  • Accidents caused by a hit-and-run

These damages are meant to punish the wrongdoer and deter similar behavior in the future. While not available in all cases, when awarded, punitive damages can significantly increase the overall compensation the plaintiff receives.

How Thorough Documentation Can Help You Maximize Compensation

To successfully claim these lesser-known damages, thorough documentation is crucial. So make sure to:

  • Keep detailed records of all expenses related to the accident
  • Document changes in your daily life and abilities
  • Maintain a pain journal to track ongoing symptoms
  • Gather statements from family, friends, and colleagues about observed changes

Such documentation can provide powerful evidence to support your claim for these often overlooked damages.

Contact Big Auto's Car Accident Attorneys Today

At Big Auto, we believe in exploring every avenue of compensation to ensure our clients receive fair and just settlements. These lesser-known damages can significantly impact the overall value of your claim.

It’s crucial to work with experienced attorneys who understand the full spectrum of potential damages. You need a lawyer who can accurately calculate the long-term impact of your losses.

If you have been in a car accident, don't let these hidden damages go uncompensated. Contact Big Auto to schedule a thorough evaluation of your case. Our team is committed to uncovering every aspect of your losses to fight for the full compensation you deserve.

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Content reviewed by managing attorney, Nic Edgson. Nic has been an Arizona-licensed lawyer for more than a decade and focuses his law practice on helping people seriously injured in car accidents and truck accidents. He has represented thousands of clients and recovered more than $50 Million Dollars fighting for their injuries and medical bills. Throughout his legal career, Nic has helped those injured through some of the most difficult times in their lives.