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Automobile accidents are one of the most stressful events you can experience, especially if there are injuries. The negative impact is severely compounded if the other party involved in the accident runs away and leaves the scene.

If you have been involved in a hit and run accident, you need to contact a lawyer as soon as possible. An experienced hit and run accident lawyer understands the legal implications that surround such an accident and can assist you in putting your life back together.



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    Hit and Run Accident Lawyers Help Victims Recover

    If you or a family member have been injured in a hit and run accident, you don’t have to navigate the aftermath alone. An experienced hit and run accident lawyer at Big Auto can evaluate your case and guide you on a path to receive the maximum amount of compensation for your injuries. The person responsible for your accident may face criminal charges but that does not compensate you for what you have lost. A civil claim against the person responsible may be the best way to be made whole, and relieve the tremendous financial burden that has been placed on you, through no fault of your own. Contact a Big Auto hit and run accident lawyer for help today.

    To learn more about your rights after an accident, call us today at 1 (844) BIG-AUTO

    How much does it cost to start my case?

    If we don’t win, your case is free. When we take on your case, we’re confident we can obtain a recovery you’re entitled to. In fact, we won’t charge you anything if we don’t win for you.


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    Table of Contents

    Hit and Run Accidents Are On The Rise

    When one or more people leave the scene of an accident without 1) leaving any or insufficient contact information, 2) giving aid to other individuals who were involved in the accident, or 3) reporting the accident to the proper authorities, it is classified as a hit and run accident.


    According to a research brief published by the Foundation for Traffic Safety, the number of drivers who flee the scene of an accident are increasing. In 2015, over 700,000 crashes were reported to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) as hit and run accidents. That means that roughly every 40 seconds an accident occurs where one or more of the parties leave the scene.


    Leaving the scene of an accident can be a criminal offense that places the injured party or parties in jeopardy by denying them first aid and quick access to medical care. In addition, a hit and run accident also places an additional burden on law enforcement, insurance companies, and society as a whole.


    An experienced hit and run accident lawyer can help ease the burden placed on victims and their families by holding the responsible party accountable for their actions in every possible way allowed by law.

    Hit and Run Accidents and Pedestrians

    Pedestrians are incredibly vulnerable any time they are involved in an automobile accident, and this is never more true than when the accident is a hit and run. Pedestrians are involved in the majority of accidents that involve a hit and run fatality.


    Many studies have been done to try to understand who is likely to leave the scene of a crash, why they flee, and what is the best way to prevent such things from happening. Hopefully hit and run accidents will decrease due to these efforts.


    If you have been injured in a hit and run accident or lost a family member due to the negligence of another person, a hit and run accident lawyer is available to help. The sooner you contact a lawyer the better. There are time limits placed on victims who are seeking compensation, called statute of limitations. Failure to file your claim within this allotted time may mean you and your family will be denied the fair compensation that you deserve.

    What Should I Do After A Hit and Run Accident?

    Accidents happen in the blink of an eye. Most people don’t see the accident coming and even if they do, they don’t have time to physically or mentally prepare. Knowing what to do after an accident can help minimize the shock and lead to a better outcome for everyone involved.


    Call For Help

    Immediately following an accident you should check yourself and anyone around you for injuries and, unless the accident is an extremely minor fender bender, you should call 911. The best way to ensure you are safe is to have emergency medical personnel on the scene as soon as possible.


    Make A Police Report

    If emergency medical help isn’t needed, it is still critical that you call the police so that they can investigate the accident and make a report. The sooner the police are on the scene and gathering evidence the better. Make sure to answer all of their questions and do not guess at the cause or take responsibility for the accident. Rarely does a victim know exactly what happened and the police are there to investigate and determine blame after all the facts are known. Secure a copy of the police report for your records.


    Document The Accident

    As soon as you are able, write down everything you remember about the accident, take pictures if it is reasonable to do so, and write down eyewitness contact information in case you need it later. Memories fade quickly so the sooner you document what you know, the better.


    Inform Your Insurance Company

    Once the dust has settled, let your insurance company know that you have been involved in a hit and run accident. It is important that you do not agree to any settlement or compensation before speaking to an attorney. An experienced attorney can make sure the settlement offer is fair and handle all negotiations for you.


    Contact An Experienced Hit and Run Accident Lawyer

    Hit and run accidents are far more complicated than a normal car accident. The legal implications can have far reaching effects that can impact you and your family for years to come. Seeking legal advice after a hit and run accident is the smart thing to do and can make the difference between you receiving compensation or being left to shoulder the financial burden of someone else’s negligence yourself.

    Compensation For Victims of Hit and Run Accidents

    If you have been injured in a hit and run accident, you may be able to seek damages from the party responsible, if they are located. If a defendant is never found, your insurance company may provide coverage.

    The types of compensation you can receive may include, but is not limited to, the following:


    Economic Losses

    • Medical Expenses from the accident
    • Future medical expenses that are expected and directly related to the accident
    • Lost wages and salary from days missed from work as well as time needed to recover and go to doctor’s appointments etc.
    • Future lost wages if your injuries inhibit or eliminate your ability to work or force a change in career or job.
    • Property repair or replacement


    Non-Economic Losses

    • Pain and suffering
    • Emotional distress
    • Disability
    • Loss of enjoyment of life


    Wrongful Death Compensation

    In the tragic instance that a hit and run accident takes the life of a family member survivors may be entitled to wrongful death compensation. Each case is unique but in general, wrongful death compensation includes:

    • All medical expenses
    • Funeral and burial expenses
    • Loss of financial support
    • Loss of inheritance
    • Pain and suffering of the deceased
    • Loss of emotional support

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