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*Settlement achieved by Big Auto Co-Counsel
*Settlement achieved by Big Auto Co-Counsel
*Settlement achieved by Big Auto Co-Counsel
*Settlement achieved by Big Auto Co-Counsel
*Settlement achieved by Big Auto Co-Counsel
*Settlement achieved by Big Auto Accident Attorneys
*Settlement achieved by Big Auto Co-Counsel
*Settlement achieved by Big Auto Co-Counsel
*Settlement achieved by Big Auto Co-Counsel
*Settlement achieved by Big Auto Co-Counsel
*Settlement achieved by Big Auto Accident Attorneys
*Settlement achieved by Big Auto Accident Attorneys


BIG AUTO attorneys have won MILLIONS for their clients

Car accidents disrupt the lives of ordinary people every day. The extent and length of the disruption depends on the severity of the accident, but even a small fender bender can cause a ripple effect of negative consequences that may mean missed time from work, unexpected out of pocket expenses, and a disappointing change in the family routine. 

Unfortunately, more severe accidents can result in long-term disability, a painful physical recovery and a financial burden that threatens to bury the victim and their family. Tragically, far too many accidents result in the death of a loved one and leave family members grieving and changed forever. 

For victims of a distracted driving accident, the pain is even harder to bear, knowing that their injuries and losses were completely avoidable. A distracted driving accident is an accident that didn’t have to happen and was simply the result of another person’s bad choices.

Big Accident? Big Injuries? Big Insurance?

You Need Big Auto.

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    What to do after the accident

    distracted driving accident lawyers
    Call us for a FREE initial case review.
    1 (844) BIG-AUTO
    We get to WORK on your case
    Our team will FIGHT to get you the settlement you deserve.

    What Is Distracted Driving?

    The definition of distracted driving is very simple. Any time a driver chooses to engage in an activity that causes them to focus on anything other than the safe operation of the motor vehicle, it is considered distracted driving.

    Drivers have become so accustomed to eating in their cars, putting on makeup, talking with passengers and even fussing with their pets that they don’t realize how dangerous their actions could potentially be, to themselves and to everyone else on the road. Not to mention the fastest rising distraction of all: Cell Phones.

    With all the advances in modern technology, motor vehicles have become safer in some respects. Air bags, navigation systems, and crash warning systems are all designed with increased safety in mind. Unfortunately, technology has also provided us with an increased availability of distractions that can prove deadly on our highways and city streets.

    Drivers who are talking on the phone, texting, answering emails, and viewing social media while they are behind the wheel are responsible for serious and even deadly car accidents every day.

    Victims of distracted driving turn to skilled personal injury attorneys to help them fight for justice and recover the losses and damages caused by the distracted driver’s carelessness.

    To learn more about your rights after an accident, call us today at 1 (844) BIG-AUTO

    Case Type FAQ

    Table of Contents

    Distracted Driving is Negligent Driving

    All drivers have a responsibility to act in a reasonable and safe manner while they are on the road. They are expected to follow the speed limit, obey traffic rules, and pay attention to the ever changing conditions as they travel and adjust their driving accordingly. Drivers who fail in this responsibility put everyone around them at risk and should be held accountable for their actions.


    A personal injury lawyer will help you recover your financial losses by gathering evidence of the responsible driver’s negligence and using that evidence to prove your claim.


    Evidence that your attorney can access to prove a distracted driving claim may include:

    • A police report
    • Eyewitness accounts
    • Phone records
    • Physical evidence found on the scene or in the car
    • Driver statements
    • Photographic or video evidence


    Working on your behalf, your attorney will fully investigate your case and leave no stone unturned when it comes to gathering evidence of negligence. Having such expertise in your corner can mean the difference between getting the compensation you deserve or being left to carry the unfair burden alone.

    Insurance Company Negotiations: The Key To A Successful Settlement

    Accident victims experience a wide-range of emotions and mental states after a crash. Once the initial shock and physical trauma has been addressed, they are often worried about the short and long term financial complications caused by missing work, mounting medical bills, and a likely lack of transportation, among other things.


    It is just at this vulnerable state that the insurance company is likely to make a settlement offer, especially if the victim hasn’t sought legal representation. Victims in this situation may be convinced to accept far less than their case is worth, sign papers that limit any future compensation that may be needed, and in general make a binding legal agreement that they sorely regret later. Insurance companies are highly motivated to settle as quickly as they can for the least amount of money possible.


    In contrast, your attorney works for you and is dedicated to doing only what is in your best interest. Your attorney will have the evidence, both from the crash and from your medical team, to quickly let the insurance company know that their bully tactics won’t work. Making sure you get the maximum compensation your injuries deserve is the top priority for your legal team.


    Your attorney will negotiate a settlement with the insurance company that you are comfortable with and if a fair agreement cannot be made, your legal team will take your case to court.


    Statistics show that victims with legal representation secure greater financial compensation than those that try to negotiate by themselves.

    Distracted Driving Victim Compensation

    If you have been injured in a car accident because of the negligent actions of a distracted driver, you may be able to receive financial compensation for your losses. The two main types of compensation available are economic and non-economic damages.


    Economic Damages

    Economic damages include the financial losses you suffered due to the negligence of the other driver. These losses are evidenced by receipts, bills, statements and other evidence. Examples of economic damages you may be entitled to include:

    • Ambulance Fees/Medical Transportation
    • Emergency Room Expenses
    • Lab Fees
    • Surgery Costs
    • Xray/MRI and other Diagnostic Expenses
    • Rehabilitation Costs
    • Future Medical Expenses
    • Lost Wages
    • Future Lost Wages
    • Other Expenses


    Non-Economic Damages

    Non-economic damages are harder to quantify. An experienced distracted driver lawyer can look over the facts of your case and arrive at a legitimate dollar amount of compensation to seek for these real losses. Non-economic damages may include:

    • Pain and Suffering
    • Disability or Disfigurement
    • Loss of Companionship
    • Loss of Enjoyment of Life

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